
  • Release date : Jan 20 2018 - 14:17
  • View : 1716
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The Chancellor of the university met with the members of the Iran-France office

Dr. Mohammad Aghajani, the Chancellor of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, met with Dr. Mehrdad Faizi, the Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs, and the officials of the Iran-France office. The Chancellor announced the policies and missions of the university on international communications with France.

In this meeting Dr. Afshin Zarghi, the Vice-Chancellor of Research and Technology of the university, welcomed the formation of the Iran-France academic and medical office at the university and the university being the focal point in this regard. Moreover, he greeted Dr. Heshmati, a university professor, specialist and head of the transfusion unit at the Cochin hospital in Paris, the head of the French Supreme Council of Medicine, and the head of the Iran-France Medical Association for Medical Collaboration. The Vice-Chancellor of Research and Technology pointed out the university's missions to provide the strengths and prominent activities of the university and to inform the French authorities to use the capacities and sign MOU's with valuable French universities, educational and research centers and the French hospitals. He emphasized that these activities should be coordinated with the Iran-France office at Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, with a predetermined planning and scheduling, and called for the participation of all departments of the university, including educational and research centers and university hospitals. He also, thanked Dr. Heshmati, who co-ordinated a workshop for emergency medicine faculty members in the Assistant Public Hospitals of Paris (AP-HP) and called for the continuation of these workshops and training programs to promote the professors of the university and having a closer relationship with the university departments and research centers to exchange scientific knowledge with France.

  • News group : PublicNews,Archive
  • News code : 53508